Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 8 Intensify

Day 8 ~ 21 Day Transformation Challenge


Intensify your relationship with God, exercise and food, by applying the HOMEWORK from yesterday to today.  
1. Memorize God's word
  •  meditate & memorize the scripture you found to overcome your struggle
Memorize God's Word, embed it in your heart and whip it out like a weapon when faced with a challenge.

For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17

Gird your sword (God's word) upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. Psalm 45:3

Be prepared to win victoriously by having the best weapon on you at all times! As Pastor Art Aragon of Heritage Family Fellowship, Anaheim Ca says, "we should know AT LEAST, at least as many scriptures as our age."  If your 20 you should know 20, if your 30, you should know 30 by heart!!!

2. Intensify your workout

  •  apply the research you found into your workouts 
  • double up your workouts: cardio & strength train to lean out and burn more fat! Muscle burns fat!!
  • utilize gadgets and tools to track your calorie burn: fit bit, body bugg,,  myfitnesspal, livestrong for the machines are off by 33%
  • log in your calorie burnage like a check book (great Chalene Johson tip) You want to burn/earn more than you spend/eat or you will bounce checks/diet and gain weight vs loose.
         Webmd now has a tracking system:
  • If your often distracted when working out at home due to chores, make cleaning and organizing your house an extra fun pre-workout, then pop in your DVD and go hard... NON-STOP unless it's to towel off and drink water.
3.  Clean diet

  • eat cleaner, less junk more fiber, lean meats, vegetables and water
  • count calories and keep a log in journal or use phone app (keep track like a check book~ great tip from Chalene Johnson)
  • drink 16 oz water when you wake & eat 20-30 gms of protein (both within 30 minutes of waking up) for protein I love my 20gm Shakeology protein shake
  • add protein to every meal like legumes or raw nuts 
  • drink 16 oz of water before & after a workout
  • drink water before meals, water naturally fills you up and your less likely to over eat 
  • watch your junk intake: bad fat, salt, sugar, butter: limit/ cut back

    Please post the scripture or tip you learned from your research bellow!!!!

    Angela Castro
    Twitter: angelacastro1


    1. "But I bring my body into subjection,lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified." 1 Cor 9:27

    2. "Memorize God's Word, embed it in your heart and whip it out like a weapon when faced with a challenge." Since I am 26--my goal will be to learn 26 scriptures before my 27th birthday (in February).
